About our company


HachFood is a ready-to-eat meal provider that serves health-conscious people looking for quality,  satiety,  and gastronomic fulfillment. With us, you will enjoy a healthy lifestyle without having to shop, cook, and calculate calories.

To achieve this, we:

  • Partner with competent nutritionists and talented chefs to create our meal plans
  • Prepare fresh meals every day
  • Use only the freshest ingredients of the highest quality

Who do we serve?

Those who don't want to waste time in the kitchen

No more planning your meals, cooking, or washing the dishes! Our chefs have come up with unique recipes for any taste.

Those who are in for a healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition is the norm for those of us who want to be healthy, feel great and lead an active lifestyle. Balanced and tasty Hach Food meals are for everyone, regardless of age and gender.


Those committed to sports

Are you active in sports? Are you health conscious? Do you read labels and count calories? Hach Food is for you! On each box you will find detailed list of ingredients, calorie content of the meal and the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.